About Us

Welcome to EyeCULLC, your number one source for all things eyewear and accessories  We're dedicated to providing you and your family the very best of eyewear and accessories with an emphasis on pricing, quality, and customer service!


Founded in 2021 by Chatrice Williams.

EyeCULLC was built during a time where I desired to know the purpose that God had for me because I felt stagnant. I felt like I had little identity outside of being a wife and a mother. One person asked me what I like to do I said I had no clue. However that didn’t stop her from brainstorming with me and she looked me in my face and said “Glasses” we looked at each other but the feeling on the inside of my body was like God agreeing. It felt perfect because I wear glasses and always have since about 1-2 years old and so did my entire family. By that night I had a name for it and since that day I have poured all of me into my brand as I allowed God to order my steps in finding  quality product for affordable prices and to show me another side I never knew I had.  My prayers are for you to have someone who God sends to you to push you into your next season and you my friend are considered BLESSED!


We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.



Chatrice W.